This has been an interesting week… Sorry I have been so out of touch. I swear I am at least reading blogs, but I have been so busy and tired that there are a very few coherent thoughts in my mind lately. If you REALLY want to know why, go ahead and keep reading, but make sure that you have your tennis shoes on (so you can keep up) and a refreshing drink (so you can catch your breath with it afterwards!) Here we go!

On Monday I went to two interviews. I packed up the kids to school and drove 2 and a half hours for my first appointment. The person I was going to meet with was late. Now, that is one of my pet peeves (I have a list). If you make an appointment with me, BE ON TIME – especially if I was able to make it on time, from 96 miles away after taking care of two kids… Then she proceeded to let me know that she is a workaholic. She has no children, no husband, works all the time. Will I be able to work late and even Saturdays? In the spirit of the interview, I told her that if she lets me know ahead of time I could probably figure something out. Then she asked me how many times have I been absent from my current job in the last 6 to 12 months. (just when I had surgery and I had enough vacation days and worked from home when I could). THEN, she asked me if I was able to work with minorities… I guess she missed LOOKING at me, since I am Hispanic. To make it, Oh, so much better, she then told me that the office is currently staffed by a group of passive aggressive people and that I would have to deal with a whole bunch of drama. GEEZ, LADY! Why didn’t you post all this in the ad? Where do I sign???
My second interview was with a large company. I interviewed with the Director of Human Resources. I liked her, she liked me. We talked about coming back later on in the week for me to meet with the hiring manager and a group of staff.
Then, I ran to my car and drove 2 and a half hours back to pick up the kids, do dinner, homework and put them to bed. When I settled down to bed and turned on the TV, there it was, scrolling on the bottom of the screen: School had been cancelled the next day. Kids will attend on Saturday. Dang! I called my dad, he said to bring the kids over the next day.

After dropping off the boys at my parents’ the next day, I made it to work and made up the work from the day before and whatever was popping up. It started to snow outside pretty hard, so at about mid-afternoon, my dad called me at work and told me that if I wanted the pick up the kids, I needed to come right away because his street was freezing. After considering it for about 20 minutes, I begged for the mercy of my boss and asked him if I could leave early… to go home with two kids… with nothing to do outside… and a non-working PS3. I ended up spending almost 2 hours with the PS3 support team to get the stupid thing to work. By the time I could use it, it was too late. I had to cook dinner and get the kids ready for bed. Right when I was pulling hot pasta off the strainer, my cell phone rang. I saw that it was an out-of-town number. The HR Director was on the line and wanted to know if I could come in the next day at 3pm for that second interview she told me about. I looked out the window at the 6 inches of snow (and still falling). Sure! I said.
You know what happened next: I called my parents in a frantic state. Don’t worry, we’ll take care of the kids at the end of the day. Then, TEN SECONDS later, my cell dings with a text: SCHOOL FOR TOMORROW HAS BEEN CANCELLED PARENTS! YOU CAN START CHAINING YOURSELVES TO THE WALL. WE LOVE YOU! (end of message). I thought I would cry.

The next morning, I had to get up at 5:30 am to take a shower (I had somehow forgotten the night before) and get the kids ready to take them to my parents’ again (the boys were over it and not amused – the love the grandparents, but it is BORING there!). Mini-me decided that the best way to pass time was to be a pain in the ass to his brother. I ran away before my dad could realize this and went to work. I again caught up with all the work that people in areas where it doesn’t snow (what the hell people, don’t you know better?)had emailed me and left me voice mails about. Again, I had to do a puppy face and leave work early for a 2 hour drive, with no lunch, to a second interview. It’s a good thing that they like me around here. I went, I interviewed and I think it went well. I left the interview and then drove 2 hours back and picked up the kids. Thankfully, my parents had already fed them, so off to bed they went.
I figured that I had spent my 3-week gas allowance in 3 days. My carbon footprint this week is so big, I will need to plant a small forest to make up for it.
You would think that it would be worth it for the kids, right? RIGHT? No. Skywalker told me that he is in NO hurry to leave and then Mini-me told me this morning that he had ran out of big kisses, he only had 100 medium-sized kisses and little ones, so to choose carefully when asking for a “Morning” kiss.
I just realized I still have one more day before Sunshine comes home… I am off to hide under my desk and take a nap. Thanks.
P.S. Did I mention that all that driving did a number on my calf (the sore one I ignored and ran a 5K with)? I couldn’t walk for 2 days. My PT friends took pity on me today and massaged it- nothing like intense pain to get over pain; but at least I can walk now.
How is YOUR week so far?
Not as bad as yours! Although I've had weeks like that and I expect they are starting again soon with Spring sports/graduation/senior crap.
Well I hope it was all worth it and you get the job!
You are right... I need a nap now.
I definitely wouldn't want to work for that first company. They sound insensitive and demanding! I'm crossing my fingers for the second place!
Confessions From A Working Mom
I'm dizzy just reading all about it!! Hope things manage to slow down for you soon!!
Dang, you're right. I DO need a nap now! Hope you get a call from the second interview! Hang in there!
The sad part is that the blog was only a SUMMARY... We have a house showing this weekend, so hopefully we can sell the place quick, I can get this job, and then start phase C (getting the kids transferred, moved, etc)... Material for about 10 years worth of blogging! (I was going to insert "Hooray" here, but then I thought about it and got depressed... JK).
I'm exhausted just reading that. I hope you have a restful weekend with Sunshine.
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