So my first couple of days as a “single mom” have been interesting enough that I can’t wait for Sunshine to come back on Friday.

On the first day, we had a winter storm warning, so at 5:45 am my phone rang, with a recording from the County Education Department cancelling school for the day (AGAIN). Of course, not only I had no backup plan, but my dad, who is usually my back up plan, was in Florida attending a mini-family reunion. So… I got the kids up anyway, and waited as long as I could before waking a neighbor up and begged her to take Skywalker for the day. Her kids are almost the same ages as mine and she is a SAHM, so off he went. I thought I was going to cry of relief. I took Mini-me to daycare and wondered the entire time, where the snow was. As I pulled into the parking lot, the radio announcement said that the Warning had been downgraded to an Advisory… So school was cancelled and I was stuck (almost) for the POSSIBILITY of snow. Really? Cancel school BEFORE you know if you have to do it or not? I don't have the heart to tell my kid that there is a STRONG possibility that he will be going to school on Saturdays, Holidays or have his Spring Break cancelled because of all these "snow" days...
I survived the day… only to realize as I went to sleep, that I was a little stuffy… At 10 pm I realized I couldn’t breathe (a problem since I have sleep apnea and have to use a CPAP machine)… At 2:30 am and on the verge of tears, I cranked up the humidity and was finally able to fall sleep… until 6 am. So on three hours of sleep after a chaotic day, I have earned my Valentine’s Day present. Is it Friday yet?
Sounds like no fun at all. Thank goodness your neighbor could help out.
When I got home that evening, I wanted to hug her, but saw that she might be a little uncomfortable with the crazy, stuffy, neighbor hugging her and saying "Thank you, Thank you" over and over again... Can't do that... I might need her again! :)
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